
- Cognitive behavioral therapy

Personal growth, achieving goals, self-understanding, motivation, transformation, success, support.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

This involves a mix of interventions developed from cognitive psychology. It is based on the assumption that irrational thoughts and/or beliefs lead to dysfunctional, unhelpful behavior, such as avoiding things or approaching things with an aggressive attitude. The techniques that can be used here focus on changing the content of the irrational thoughts and/or beliefs. This creates more freedom of thought and action and therefore more freedom in dealing with situations.

The basis is formed by the ABC scheme or the G scheme, very concisely stated:

  • A. Event: This refers to an objective event, described as if you were looking through a camera
  • B. Thoughts: This refers to the specific thoughts you have with the event described under A.
  • C. Feeling / Behaviour: What feeling and behavior are the result of these thoughts.

Various interventions are used to bring about change in the thoughts that are experienced as obstructive.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

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