Transactional Analysis (TA)
Transactional Analysis has three principles:
- People are OK and always valuable: I'm OK, you're OK;
- Humans have the ability to think;
- People determine their behavior through (partly unconscious) decisions, and those decisions can be revised.
All TA concepts have been developed to help people grow in their autonomy: greater awareness, more spontaneity, greater intimacy, more integrity, room for meaning, taking more responsibility for oneself. People decide for themselves about themselves, the starting point is that this leads to the promotion of autonomy.
The TA distinguishes three ego states which are united in each person:
the Older, It Child and the Adult.
The ego states are a model for our personality. Using this model, aspects of the personality can be explored, such as the beliefs and experiences that have shaped the personality and that influence thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
- Olderego state: We fill this ego state with the thinking, feeling and behavior that we have learned and adopted in the past from parental figures who were important in our lives. Neurological research shows how we have made neurological circuits in our brains and closed others. We “grind into beaten paths, as it were”. That leads to behavioral patterns.
- Adultego state: thinking, feeling and acting on the basis of what is happening in the here-and-now.
- Childego state: This ego state we have filled with all our past childhood experiences. That, too, is one way in which we “sharpen” our brains into “beaten paths” and also leads to behavioral patterns.
With the help of this approach, if applicable to the submitted issue, work is done,
Transactional Analysis (TA)
Professional associations
Birgitte is a member of the following professional associations and networks.