

Although I was a bit hesitant about the group aspect beforehand, it turned out to add a lot to both the mindfulness training and the compassion training that I followed at Syntagma. Thanks to the very expert and professional guidance by Birgitte, both trainings have been extremely valuable to me! I have experienced Birgitte - also in my individual trajectory - as a very pleasant, open, down-to-earth, empathetic and driven psychologist and trainer. She analyzes quickly and sharply, knows how to create the right atmosphere, does not shy away from the difficult things, asks the right questions, uses humor in a pleasant way and provides practical tools to continue. Because Birgitte can draw on a solid theoretical background with a diversity of experiences, education and additional training, she can easily connect and switch and thus always find the most suitable route. It has helped me a lot in better listening to and acting according to my feelings, and in finding more peace, confidence and firmness. Many thanks for that! M.v.I.


Professional associations

Birgitte is a member of the following professional associations and networks.


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