MARZIA GHIGLIAZZA – Senior Partner avvocata mediatric cross-border

MARZIA GHIGLIAZZA – Senior Partner avvocata mediatric cross-border

I with Brigitte, many years ago, as part of our very first cross-border family mediation training.

Over the years, I have been able to refer very sensitive cases to her, which have always been handled with great professionalism and listening.

In the context of the international trainings I directly organise, I always have Brigitte present as one of my favourite trainers. The feedback I get, from colleagues of different nationalities and cultures, is always enthusiastic. She manages to be enthusing and above all she is never ‘rigid’ in her approach. She modifies content and schemes as required, which is not at all common.

MARZIA GHIGLIAZZA – Senior Partner avvocata mediatric cross-border

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